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Acoustic waves are a category of longitudinal waves that propagate by the means of compression and decompression (preferably called "rarefactions") through a medium (usually air).These waves travel at the speed of sound (hence, called "acoustic") and the vibrations in these waves occur in the direction in which the wave travels.

These waves show different wave characteristics like diffraction, interference, reflection, etc. , except polarization. Polarization is  not possible in these waves because the vibrations are only in the direction in which wave travels. For polarization to be possible, it is necessary that the wave has capability to oscillate in more than one orientation.

Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. The energy promotes regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues

Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) is a cellulite treatment approach that utilizes pressure waves to positively modify fibrous septae and the fat protrusion at the lower dermis region of the skin. These two are the most prominent causes of cellulite. The therapy produces a precisely controlled pressure wave to pass through the fat and the skin. The intent is to separate the skin-stiffening fibrous septae from the dermis layer and thus attain a smooth, flexible and clear-toned skin surface. To attain these effects, the pressure must break up the septae's collagen and release it from the skin. The ultimate result is a supreme smoothness and luster of the skin surface.
Generally, cellulite is an adverse condition of the skin that spoils its texture, creates an orange peel-like effect, produces rippling and dimpling on the skin surface and makes the skin inelastic. The condition is more common in women (especially at back of the thighs). This is because a woman's body aligns solid fat deposits perpendicular to the skin structure, and thus generates an uneven texture and outlay.

Cosmetic Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy
Medics did not regard this common problem as worth treating until recently. However, modern developments in cosmetic treatment of the skin have seen a change in how the medical field views cellulite. Acoustic Wave Therapy is one of the non-invasive procedures of improving a patient's skin appearance and texture.

The therapy increases blood circulation in the skin and amplifies collagen production, while still improving tissue elasticity. Consequent to these modifications, the skin becomes smooth, soft, elastic, brighter, even and beautiful. Other benefits of the therapy include circumference reduction, dermal firming and an enhancement of the skin tone.

Health Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy
The procedure does not utilize anesthesia. There are no risks and or complications reported from the therapy. The FDA has approved Acoustic Wave Therapy as a class 1 Therapeutic Massager. Of the most prominent health benefits of AWT, having an ideal body weight through losing excessive body fat deposits is perhaps the greatest.

In addition, healthy skin has a lot of ramifications to the health and general well-being of a person. Better skin excretory process helps the body to rid itself of toxins and wastes that could otherwise be disease causing. This is aided by better circulation and a healthy skin structure. Further, attaining a beautiful skin through AWT also helps a person gain self-esteem, reduce stress and gain confidence. These psychological states have a direct impact on an individual's health.

A complete therapy takes about three weeks, during which a patient attends six painless sessions that could last less than 30 minutes each. Results accrue within the initial 3 to 4 treatments and continue up to 3 months after the acoustic wave therapy has been completed.

4 Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy
Acoustic Wave Therapy uses vibrations to soften the connective tissue under skin that hardens and causes cellulite. Acoustic Wave Therapy stimulates collagen growth in areas troubled by cellulite, rejuvenating the connective tissue beneath the skin and enhancing the appearance of cellulite. Here are some of the benefits of this cosmetic treatment.

1. Acoustic Wave Therapy Is Non-Invasive
Acoustic Wave Therapy is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure that carries no risk of scarring and few side effects. The treated area may take on a reddened appearance, indicative of the increased blood circulation that occurs as connective tissues beneath the skin are relaxed. Acoustic Wave Therapy is one of the safest plastic surgery procedures, and most patients are able to return to normal activities on the very day of treament.

2. Acoustic Wave Therapy Is Pain less
Acoustic Wave Therapy is a pain  less procedure that uses sound vibrations to treat cellulite. In fact, many patients report that undergoing Acoustic Wave Therapy is a pleasant experience.

3. Acoustive Wave Therapy Can Be Performed Over a Short Period of Time
One of the benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy is that full treatment doesn't take very long. Depending on the severity of cellulite, individual treatment sessions can last 15 to 45 minutes. Treatments are performed twice a week for three to six weeks. You'll need a follow up treatment every three months.

4. Acoustic Wave Therapy Is Affordable
Acoustic Wave Therapy is an affordable treatment for unsightly cellulite. Charges are based on the region in which you live, the doctor who performs your procedure, and the extent and severity of your cellulite. You can find expertise  & best acoustic therapy at Ree Age
